Work experience

Advice sheet for students: Useful guidance to get you started with work experience ( click here )

Letter template to send to employers: Template you can adapt to send to potential employers ( click here )


Latest news:


On Friday 11th March 2022, the school secured a 100% score on the career Gatsby Benchmarks ( following an external visit. Gatsby Benchmark ( certificate )



The Heart of the SW Careers Hub ( college progress report Spring term - click here )

The Careers and Enterprise Company ( Institution report - click here )

Not in Emplyment, Education, or Training ( NEET ) How does Cullompton compare to other schools in Devon ? ( 2021 leavers ) Click here to find out.

The curriculum

Careers Leader: Miss Horn Click here to contact

Careers Learning Journey: Click here ( Careers input - Y7-Y11 )

About careers education: Impact It is recognised by Ofsted and the DfE that judging the impact of personal development is not practicable in schools. However, we can evaluate the effectiveness of our provision through collecting feedback from students, staff, parents and external stakeholders that relates to specific events and the overall experience at CCC. All former students are invited to join our alumni network and this enables us to share their training and career pathways. We also consider the destinations data each autumn to see where our most recent Y11 are and use all this information to review, adapt and improve our provision each year.

Next review due October 2022.

Annual careers plan


Career Provider access policy


Investor in Careers: Here at CCC we are committed to providing every opportunity to help our learners, and therefore we are seeking re-assessment of the Investor in Careers award that will recognise the strengths of our careers education programme.

College event feedback:

A very well organised event that kept within the time limits that were given. Great interaction between STEM Ambassadors at the beginning and before the sessions started with a lot of enthusiasm from all on STEM subjects. Some great questions from the students on all three sessions Thank you for the invite! :-)


Wondering what career path to follow ? Here are some ideas

Subject area Link to career ideas
Science Click here for career ideas
Maths A booklet detailing careers in maths
Computing Career ideas relating to IT and computing
DT Jobs linking with DT
Languages Jobs using languages
PE Jobs using PE


Labour market information (LMI)

The Pay Index

Student sign-up instructions:

  • Visit the website -
  • Complete the form to create an account
  • Ideally use a personal (CV appropriate) email in order to continue to use TPI after school/college. If this is not possible a school email is absolutely fine.

Parent/Carer sign-up instruction:

  • Visit the website -
  • Complete the form to create an account
  • They should select the school of their child but in the year group option they need to select “Parent/Carer”


Jobs worth the risk?


People who can help you:

Sally Trump - Careers Advisor     ( Make an appointment by contacting Miss Harvie )



Careers Resources

Our careers library houses a good stock of current college and university prospectuses and employer information as well as books and magazines on a wide selection of careers and higher education courses. A comprehensive range of leaflets providing information about different careers detailing the type of work involved, skills required, entry requirements and related occupations are available.


We also encourage the use of online resources where students can access impartial information to help them make informed and realistic career plans. The websites Careerpilot, Careersbox, Icould include video clips of people who have experience of working in a variety of job sectors.


Other useful resources:

NSSW Parent and Carer newsletter ( Click here )       Student Newsletter ( Click here )


Be part of helping others choose their career paths. Alumni sign up. Click here  The information service for careers in the NHS in England.

Labour market information  Click here 

