Homework at CCC
Research shows that regular homework has a positive impact on student progress. Therefore, at CCC, we have a clear homework policy that covers all departments in school.
What to expect:
As a Parent or Guardian, you can expect
- That your child will get weekly homework in all subjects, in amounts that are proportionate to their lesson time in that subject
- That we will notify and record that homework has been set in Classcharts
- That we will use Classcharts to keep you informed of when your child has submitted or not submitted homework
When and how much homework? This link will show you how much homework to expect in each subject in each year (HW schedule).
Help with classcharts: If you cannot access Classcharts, or would like any support in navigating the Classcharts site, please do let us know at admin@cullomptoncollege.org
Help with homework: There are lots of quiet spaces and times at school when your child can complete homework (where can I get help?). Most locations also have chromebooks ready to be used too, so issues with IT access are easily resolved. However, we know there may be other barriers that prevent students completing homework at home. If you, as a parent, would like any support, please contact us at admin@cullomptoncollege.org and we will be glad to help.