MFL (French and German)

Modern Languages 

Intent & Implementation



Our Curriculum Intent

  • To create inquisitive linguists who have a thirst for learning about the world around them.

  • To create effective communicators who use language to break down cultural barriers.

  • To encourage analytical thought and the use of linguistic knowledge to solve problems and work out meaning from contexts.

  • To provide opportunities to expand all young people’s horizons and ambitions.

The MFL department teaches German and French as each language offers a completely different learning experience - German because of its shared linguistic roots with English,  logic, problem solving, shared aspects of culture, and wider career opportunities. French to represent the romance languages, different Francophone countries and provide a diverse cultural base for travel and further study.

How our subject curriculum is sequenced and why we plan it this way:

  • So that secure subject knowledge + problem solving skills are developed in preparation for KS4, the KS3 curriculum is structured so that the content reflects their real life experiences. In order for students to be able to communicate for real purposes, KS3 will focus on the introduction and practice of the three key tenses, subordination to justify opinions and use of modal verbs within topic areas to which they can relate. For example, at the beginning of Year 7,  we start with basic personal information which then leads into being able to talk about family and friends. In the Spring term, the ability to be able to express and justify likes and dislikes about school subjects is developed and then this will link into being able to talk about preferences for free time activities in the Summer term. These topics will be developed further in Year 8 when the topics covered are Where we live and Food and drink. In Year 9, there will be an opportunity to consolidate what has previously been learnt in years 7 + 8 via the topic of Relationships and Local Area as well as developing the complexity of language further through topics such as Holidays and Foreign travel.

  • At KS4, the curriculum is organised in the following order: Past and future study, Daily life and Culture, Leisure activities and Technology, the World of Work and Global Issues and events. The reasoning for this is that these will build on the KS3 content in a logical way by revising past content relevant to the GCSE content to boost students’ confidence and expand on the themes by introducing new and more complex ideas and structures. The topics covered in Year 11 are those which involve the most complex language and structures.

  • To ensure the curricula for French and German are consistently delivered in order to allow for optimal preparation for KS4 in both languages, the MFL department has collectively adopted a shared methodology; using common tasks, structures and resources. The language and vocabulary focus for these have been selected and collated in termly Knowledge Builders. These Knowledge Builders are organised into topics to which the students can easily relate. This also ensures that the delivery of the curriculum is accessible to all students. It‘s important that socially disadvantaged pupils have access to resources and are offered intervention when appropriate in order to help them progress.

How we connect the knowledge over the key stages (deliberate connections):

MFL Curriculum Rationale

How we make our subject knowledge stick:

  • Knowledge Builders (in a  sentence builder format) which contain all the vocabulary required are provided to all students which they can use at any point to support their learning and are used to scaffold within the class and home environment.

  • This target vocabulary is practised via regular retrieval activities at the start of every lesson and through careful planning and questioning to highlight the links with other aspects of the curriculum. In addition to the language of the current topic, vocabulary, grammar and structures from previous topics are also revisited following our retrieval schedule which aims to revisit vocabulary and grammar at least 10 times at strategic intervals over the course of a Key Stage.

  • Phonics and phoneme/grapheme links are revisited and practised explicitly every lesson either during the retrieval challenge or in the Knowledge Quizzes which allows for the modelling of enunciation and pronunciation to take place. This builds confidence in speaking and listening comprehension.

  • Homework is organised as regular vocabulary learning. The homework is based on the vocabulary in the Knowledge Builders which is also provided as a Quizlet link so that learners can access more support and use a structured approach to vocabulary learning.

How We Allow All Students to Succeed ( included SEND and disadvantaged )


How we allow all students to reach our ambitious subject end points:

We ensure that:

  • Classcharts is used effectively to create seating plans which support the learning of ALL students
  • Classcharts is used effectively to access important SEN information including the Pupil Passports which will inform the class teachers on how to support each student in the best way possible.
  • Knowledge Builders (in a  sentence builder format) which contain all the vocabulary required are provided to all students which they can use at any point to support their learning and are used to scaffold within the class and home environment.
  • Vocabulary, grammar and phonics are systematically revisited to aid knowledge acquisition.
  • Phonics and phoneme/grapheme links are revisited and practised explicitly every lesson either during the retrieval challenge or in the Knowledge Quizzes which allows for the modelling of enunciation and pronunciation to take place. This builds confidence in speaking and listening comprehension.
  • Those students who have difficulty accessing the Knowledge Builders online are provided with two hard copies - one to use in class and one to take home to use for their home learning.
  • In every lesson, opportunities for low-stakes activities are planned in the form of speaking, pair and group work to enable students to feel less scrutinised and help them forget their anxiety when required to speak in class.
  • Lessons are collaboratively planned in the department to allow for a high level of consistency.
  • Lessons have regular routines to enable students to feel secure within the classroom environment.
  • Use of songs and music are planned for especially in Years 7 + 8 to support learners to develop conceptual understanding.
  • Homework is organised as regular vocabulary learning. The homework is based on the vocabulary in the Knowledge Builders which is also provided as a Quizlet link so that learners can access more support and use a structured approach to vocabulary learning.
  • Assessment data spreadsheets are analysed to identify those students who are underachieving in order for appropriate interventions to take place.
  • Regular parental contact with positive updates are made.

Reference is made to the MFL Teacher handbook for SEND (Link here) which has been shared with all members of the department.


Our Curriculum Overview

French Curriculum Overview KS3 (Click here)      German Curriculum Overview KS3 (Click here)

French Curriculum Overview KS4 (Click here)      German Curriculum Overview KS4 (Click here)


Our Curriculum Learning Pathway

KS3 and KS4 Subject Curriculum Pathway (PDF)


Our Curriculum

The methodology upon which the MFL department bases its teaching and learning policy is rooted in the E.P.I (Extensive Processing Instruction) approach. Language is taught through the receptive skills in “chunks” which is presented in a sentence builder style format in a booklet called a “Knowledge Builder”. This booklet contains all the component knowledge for each term per academic year and is provided as a hard copy to students as well as a virtual copy in each Google Classroom.

This structure reduces the cognitive load and provides the students with the immediate support to be able to communicate meaningfully.

All home learning assignments are set using the Knowledge Builder.


Transition & Building on KS2 / KS3

CCC has worked closely with our primary partners during 2021/22.  We have shared knowledge on the curriculum intents at key stage two and key stage three to enhance student transition and the sequencing of learning.


Key Stage 3

At KS3, teaching focus needs to be on receptive language skills - reading and listening. In order to build pupils’ confidence. Productive skills are also taught but through structured speaking,  writing and translation tasks.

In Year 7 there is an initial focus on phonics which then is constantly revisited during the teaching cycle.

Key areas of grammar and vocabulary are also revisited and recycled via reading / listening tasks and retrieval challenges.

By the end of  Key Stage 3, students will be able to communicate effectively and spontaneously with others in the target language.  A specific focus will also be on asking and answering questions and talking creatively about a visual stimulus. They will also be familiar with different cultural traditions of Christmas and Easter and will be able to make comparisons with their own culture.

They will also be able to use three tenses and justify their opinions using a range of structures which will provide them with the skills needed to ensure a smooth transition onto the KS4 curriculum.


To facilitate this, by the end of Year 7, students need to master:

  • Key language concepts (word for word translations don’t always work) and grammatical terminology (infinitive, verb, conjugation, 1st and 3rd person singular / plural,  noun, preposition, past participle, adjective, adverb, pronoun, relative pronouns), phonics and phoneme and grapheme links, translation skills into and from the Target Language (TL)
  • Vocabulary - Students need to accept and be willing to learn vocabulary often which will be assessed in class.
  • Grammar: Haben / sein, avoir / être / Structures of two tenses in the first person and recognition of the third person and plural forms. Simple subordinate clauses and a range of adjectives to describe people and give opinions, negative articles.

By the end of Year 8, students need to build on their knowledge from Year 7 in order to master:

  • Translation skills into and from the TL using longer texts which will increase cultural awareness.
  • Grammar: Irregular verbs in the present tense, Future  and perfect tense conjugations and use the modal verbs können / pouvoir / mögen / vouloir in the first, second and third person singular and also mögen / vouloir in the conditional tense in the first person singular. They will also know a wider variety of adjectives and use extended sentences to form justified opinions.
  • Vocabulary - Students need to accept and be willing to learn vocabulary often which will be assessed in class.

By the end of Year 9, students will be able to form more complex opinions using a wider range of structures in order to describe, narrate and inform.

  • Grammar: Present,  Perfect, future, relative pronouns, modal verbs, separable and reflexive verbs, a wider range of adjectives to describe people and activities.  
  • Translation skills into and from the TL.
  • The development of picture-based tasks for developing writing and speaking skills.
  • Developing how to read and listen for detail and working out meanings from different contexts.

Extra opportunities:

  • The new initiative of encouraging talented linguists to become MFL subject leaders also gives the opportunity to develop linguistic skills as well as building self confidence.
  • The MFL cultural and cross curricular trip provides a valuable learning experience outside of the classroom.


Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4, teaching needs to build on prior knowledge acquired during KS3. Pupils will be taught how to communicate in more sophisticated ways. They will consolidate their knowledge of the three main tenses (Present, Perfect and Future). Most students will be taught and have an awareness of other tenses (conditional, subjunctive, pluperfect, imperfect and passive). Higher candidates will need to master at least two of these additional tenses. 

They will acquire more in depth knowledge of the Geography and Culture of France and Germany through the learning of festivals, holiday destinations and important landmarks. 

Additionally, the MFL cultural and cross curricular trip provides a valuable learning experience outside of the classroom.

They will have more exposure to exam style questioning and the skills needed to be successful.

By the end of Year 10, students will be confident using the three main tenses and higher candidates will be able to use the conditional confidently. They will have consolidated their skills in order to describe, narrate and inform on the topics of - Daily life at home and at school, Holidays and local area.

  • Grammar: Conditional and Future tenses. (German) Nominative, Accusative, Dative and Genitive cases.
  • Translation skills into and from the TL.
  • The development of picture-based tasks for developing writing and speaking skills.
  • Developing how to read and listen for detail and working out meanings from different contexts. Students will also be exposed to literary texts and recognising the imperfect tense.

By the end of Year 11, the focus will be on consolidating the skills learnt and developing their knowledge of vocabulary on the topics of - World of Work and Global and International Issues.

  • An emphasis will be placed on ensuring that students are actively revising and producing language from the previous years in order to be successful in the Speaking and Writing components of the course.
  • Reading and Listening skills will be practised
  • Through the above activities, the grammar aspects of the course will be further revisited and consolidated.


What Examination Course(s) do we follow?

Pearson Edexcel for GCSE


Curriculum Impact- How we measure attainment and progress:

In MFL, assessment happens in many ways. Books are marked in-line with our marking policy and mini whiteboards are used regularly in lessons as an AFL tool to provide immediate feedback for the teacher and to allow for a tailored, flexible approach.

Retrieval Challenges (set as Silent Do Now tasks) at the start of each lesson revise component and composite knowledge from a variety of different time periods (last lesson, last week, last term, last year).  Students are required to note down what they can recall in MWBs for immediate feedback. 

Homework set is to learn the new vocabulary and / or grammar using the Knowledge Builders which is then tested in class via a Knowledge Quiz which tests receptive as well as productive skills and practises phonics and verb conjugations.


KS3 - Link here to KS3 Assessment Policy

By the end of Key Stage 3, through regular informal, formal and standardised assessments of all four skills, students will be equipped with the skills necessary to communicate effectively in the Target Language through the use of different tenses and extended sentences. They will be able to justify their opinions on a variety of topic areas and  will also have an awareness of different cultural aspects of France and Germany. They will have acquired the necessary skills to bridge the gap between the two Key Stages. 



Progress is assessed throughout KS4 through the use of regular and standardised assessments in all 4 skills. Students will also have the opportunity to practice their speaking skills in formal mock exams at the end of Year 10 and during the Autumn and Spring terms of Year 11. There will also be formal mock exams for the other three skills in Year 11.

All these assessments require revision and recall skills and the effective use of  home learning opportunities.

As participants on our foreign language trips some students will have also developed a deeper understanding of the life, history and culture of the Target Language country.


How do we enrich our subject outside the classroom?

In MFL we aim to provide “out of classroom”  opportunities for a variety of cultural and linguistic experiences which are all inclusive. 

These include: 

  • Language competitions to celebrate different cultures represented within the school. (Foreign Language Christmas Card competition)
  • Academic competitions (e.g. Poetry) to develop understanding of the country and the language.
  •  The Language Leader programme for more able Year 9 students which develops not only TL skills but also other skills such as becoming more confident communicators when speaking to an audience and teaching skills.
  •  Foreign, educational trips which are offered in Year 9 and 10 to Berlin and Paris which have cross curricular links with History (Cold War, French Revolution) and Art.

Useful Websites