Information Technology

All pupils  are issued with their own IT account upon entry to the college. These accounts stay with the pupil throughout the 5 years at the college. It is the responsibility of the pupil to maintain their account and to keep it secure. Pupils sign an Acceptable User Policy at the beginning of the year and then a shortened version every half term. Pupil accounts are monitored using a filtering software. Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe online through their Tutorial programme and computer science lessons.

As parents, you can help to keep your child safe online by:

  • Establishing ground rules for the use of tech in your household ( where, when and what )
  • Taking an interest in what your child is doing online and encouraging good behaviour
  • Keeping to age ratings ( they are there for a reason )
  • Improving your knowledge as a parent ( so you are able to have a more informed conversation with your child )